Facebook makes advertising easy and accessible. If you have a business, you might have heard of the Facebook Relevance Score. Ads on Facebook are measured based on their quality and engagement. Facebook’s Relevance Score allows you to decipher whether or not your ad is effective. The following article highlights what is a good Relevance Score and how to achieve it. First, let’s examine what exactly is a Relevance Score.

What is the Facebook Relevance Score?

As previously mentioned, the Facebook Relevance Score helps your company address how well your ads are working on Facebook. It measures the effectiveness of your ads. Additionally, it determines the CPC, or your cost per click, and how often your ads are shown on Facebook. The Relevance Score is continually updated and is not static. It does not rely directly on feedback, such as likes or shares, but is instead calculated by the audience’s response. Facebook deciphers positive and negative feedback to calculate the score. If your ad is being hidden or flagged, it receives negative feedback. As soon as your ad has been served more than 500 times you are able to get a high Relevance Score.

Relevance Score is displayed as a number between 1 and 10. The higher the number means that you have a better score. When people interact with your ad and provide positive feedback, the score increases. However, negative feedback means that the score will decrease. There are several ways to achieve a high Relevance Score and attract more positive feedback from your audience.

You can easily find your Relevance Score by navigating to the “Ads” tab on your Facebook Business Manager. Go to the “Columns” button and click on “Customize Columns.” Using your keyboard type “Relevance Score” in the search bar and click on it to open. There you can review and analyze your Facebook Relevance Score. Don’t worry if you can’t see it yet. Your ad will need over 500 impressions to receive a score.

How to Achieve a High Relevance Score

There are several ways to increase your Facebook Relevance Score. Listed below are some suggestions and strategies for achieving a higher score:

Target Audience

Your target audience is influential during the process of distinguishing your ad’s score. Get to know and understand your target audience. Be specific as you identify and analyze your audience. It is important to pin down who you want to see your ads. There are several factors to consider during the process of finding who your target audience is, such as age, gender, occupation, and interests. Another option is to use Facebook’s tool, the Facebook Insights source, to discover which demographics have interacted with your posts. With the information provided by Facebook Insights you are able to make buyer personas and depict who exactly is your target audience. Facebook also allows you to create hyper-targeted posts by breaking users into smaller groups. Certain groups are targeted so that way you do not need to target the individual users and accounts.

Make sure to pay attention to people who have already engaged with your ads as well. It takes time and energy to analyze who has interacted and engaged with your ads. However, finding out who is interested in your business is an important step towards establishing a higher score. Targeting an audience that has engaged with your ads will not only help your score, but also help you to narrow your ad’s focus. Target people who frequently visit your Facebook page, send a message to your page, or simply save and engage with your posts or ads.

Split Test

The split test, also known as the A|B test, is another way to increase your Facebook Relevance Score. Split testing allows you to see which audience responds best to your ad by showing the same ad to two different groups. On the other hand, split testing can also allow you to show two different ads to the same group and see what ad is more successfully perceived. Be careful not to bore your audience by showing the same ad. Make sure to pay attention to what your audience likes and wants. The better an audience responds to your ad, the higher your ad’s score will be.


Lastly, an obvious tip or suggestion would be to stay relevant. Be sure to update your ads by engaging with your audience’s feedback. It is important to use fresh and new images as well as content within your ads. High quality images and content keeps the audience interested.

The Facebook Relevance Score is an important tool to use for your business. The tips and suggestions listed above are intended to help you increase your ad’s score.

As a writer and a poet, Alexandra finds that words have the power to connect people from around the world.